Add or remove users here
Important: this can only be done by the main user of an account.
Delete user(s)
1. Click on 'subaccounts'
2. Delete user (Please note that all the videos of this account will be removed.)
To add a new user:
1. Click on 'subaccounts'
2. Click on ‘add a standard account’ or ‘add a management account’, and fill in the details.
The user will receive a welcome email with a link to activate the account and set a password. Once the colleague has created a password, they can log into VentaVid with their email address and chosen password.
Please note that every new user always needs to do the following next steps to complete the account:
Next steps
An explanation of how the VentaVid app works, as well as how to set up a personal profile can be found below.
- How to make and send a video
- How to change a photo?
- How to change personal details (name, email address, telephone number, etc)